Our “Colson Lay Ups” is a full speed lay up drill that requires talking, timing and the execution of a full speed lay up. This description may sound basic and remedial, but remember that you set the standards for the level of talk, the speed of the sprint, the sharpness of the change of direction, etc. Making full speed lay ups on the fast break or a backdoor play may be the difference in the win or the loss in those close games. As usual, the fundamentals are usually a dictator of the outcome of the game. We usually try to accomplish 10-15 full speed lay ups in a row on each side within 5 minutes. The number is usually determined by how many healthy players are able to participate in the drill. The number is usually set at one lay up per participating player in the drill.
We start with 3 lines in this drill, and 2 basketballs in the 1st passer line. This line is located on the baseline in the corner. The 1st passer line will rotate to the 2nd passer line located at mid court lane line extended after they make their pass. The 2nd passer line rotates to the lay up line located at mid court near the sideline after they follow their pass and secure the ball out of the net and pass to the 1st passer line. The lay up line continues to the end of the 1st passer line after they attempt their full speed lay up. All players must communicate on every pass and catch opportunity in the drill by calling names, plus all players besides the lay up player must call the number in a row of the lay up. Great communication leads to great teamwork! Good luck with your execution of those full speed lay ups! |
Uncommon Women, Making Uncommon Choices, Yielding Uncommon Results.
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